We Create Our World Reality

We Create Our World Reality

HOPIE “A Sense Of Hope”

I think this is a foreign concept to many of us. Just think about it for a moment. We have free-will; it is our birthright from God. So what do we do with it? We make decisions and take actions. Those thoughts we have, decisions we make, and actions we take have consequences. Successful or not, positive or not – but that is our creative tool.

As  TUT says – “Thoughts become Things”. I guess you could say, that’s our first step to manifesting.

When we look at our world today, we have to understand that we ALL HAVE PLAYED a role in contributing, to some degree, in creating this mess we now live in. 

Sure, we are not the big players making major decisions, whether it’s going to war rather than spending that money to help our own traumatized citizens living on the streets etc. etc .etc., as an example. 

But we have allowed this to happen by not speaking out.

  • By quietly ignoring and burying our heads in the sand 
  • Saying “there is nothing I can do about this”.  
  • Not questioning things that don’t feel right within 
  • Slipping down the moral and ethical ladder through the years by justifying things that intuitively we know are not correct 
  • Judging; by assuming; by just believing what we are told and not questioning when things don’t sit quite right within. etc, etc, etc. 

At some point we are all guilty. I’m as much to blame as anyone. But this all plays a role in the world we have all created. I think this is a very important fact to realize as we move forward into who knows where we’re allowing ourselves to be “nudged” to. 

What has happened?

  • Maybe life has become too convenient, and we have become too spoiled with a higher expectation towards a more comfortable lifestyle. 
  • Or, has our modern lifestyle led to a more entitled and a more narcissistic behavior pattern? 
  • Maybe we have willingly, through believing everything we are told, given up more and more of our responsibilities/freedoms to our evermore demanding government.
  • It seems we have lost our ability to think critically and think for ourselves, we just follow?
  • Are we now too afraid to speak our truths and feelings for fear of repercussions and being ostrasized?
  • Do we now live in a lower frequency due to our fears and the ever increasing confusion and fearmongering surrounding us?

More and more of us are waking up though, and realizing something is wrong.

Thankfully, more and more of us are realizing that we are not being told “The Truth; The Whole Truth; and Nothing But The Truth”. Any of you taking any interest in our political arena these days should be able to see that maybe our political leaders are not working for us, as a Democratic platform is supposed to be based on. It looks like “they”, our politicians, have their own agenda which is not in harmony with what we want. They are telling us things to appease us and yet doing something different. For example, illegal immigration and how diversity supposedly is a good thing; whereas we see a different reality. We are demanding change, we are not being listened too, instead we are being arrested and betrayed.

The Ukraine war is another example of us being gaslight. 

  • For starters we were told we had to support this war as Democracy worldwide was being threatened. So, in good faith, we sent billions and billions of dollars and weapons to support this war. 
  • What has happened during this time? The country is now run by a dictator. Zelinsky has abolished elections – that is a dictatorship, and yet we still support this war. 
  • Did you notice a couple of years ago Ukraine and Russia willingly came together ready to sign a peace treaty? Instead the US sent Boris Johnson out to Ukraine and “instructed” Zelinsky he was not to sign that peace treaty – why ever not? 

Instead, we, the Western world send billions and billions and billions of dollars to this country, which is one of the most corrupt, if not the most corrupt country in the world and no longer a Democratic country. It is now under a Dictator regime. Yet, we, the citizens, allow this to happen instead of demanding this money be spent on our own citizens who are homeless, drug addicted, overdosing, starving, mental health and a suicide crisis, and our countries are collapsing under the chaos and financial burdens. 

In Canada, all one has to do is watch the Ethics Committee on Youtube to see just how corrupt our so-called Progressive LIberal Government is. 

Not only is it obvious, but it looks like the corruption has infiltrated into the police department and judicial system as nothing is being done to investigate what this committee has uncovered. Billions of dollars have disappeared into the pockets of Liberal supporters and politicians. Here is a first-class seat portraying the corruption within our government and yet we shut our eyes to it all. This is what I mean about creating the world we live in. 

Let’s look at the era we are now in and the energies that are influencing all of us. We can actually see this unfolding, it’s tangible. 

We have now moved into the “Age of Aquarius”. One does not have to believe in astrology, one just has to look at what the world is portraying right now in relation to Aquarian energies. 

Aquarian energy is all about……

  • Humanitarianism & Brotherhood – aglow with utopian ideals – with concepts of humanity coming together as one rather than individual nations resulting in world peace. I would say we are no where near evolved to reach this reality. It would be wonderful though.
  • Under this banner humanity will become concerned about the environment; the need for new energy and resources; overpopulation; the power of atomic energy, electronics, and aviation. Yes, we uderstand and see this.
  • It’s a sign of Scientific knowledge and inventions and rules the airwaves as it is a mental sign. No doubt we see this too.
  • New ideas, hopes and wishes. That is still unclear.
  • It is also a practical sign; it’s a truth and freedom seeker. This is not a reality at all.

As with everything there is the shadow side to Aquarius

When not harnessed for the goodness of the whole, we get……

  • Aquarius loves its own principles forsaking the emotional and broader consequences. It gets stuck in adamant thinking – the Woke Culture as an example or the progressive Liberal ideology, and their refusal and respect to see broader or different perspectives. Basically, it’s throwing the baby out with the bath water and bringing in “their” completely new and unproven or unharmonious ideas and ways.
  • A rise in extremism, radicalism and militant revolutionions – this is becoming very obvious and it is just beginning.
  • The rash and unproven methods in dealing with climate change contributing to the breaking down and destruction of the middle class. People are freezing in the winter, forsaking healthy food, cost of living due to the carbon tax & ridiculous inflation from the continual money printing machine.
  • Over-population and methods to help deal with that – continual war, deaths on our streets from overdoses and suicides, plus allowing people to be”put down” like a dog, just to name a few methods.
  • Taking away our freedoms – controlling our free speech, arresting people for posts they made on social media under the guise of controlling “mis, dis and mal” information – fearmongering.
  • Using fear as a means of control – taking away more of our freedoms and responsibilities.

From where I sit, these Aquarian shadow side energies are not allowing humanity to evolve into a world that benefits us all. A world where we can come together in peace and prosperity and unity. This is low frequency slave-like energy.

Again, I bring it back to – what are we doing about all of this? Not much. We are allowing our politicians, that we now know are corrupt, to “tell us” what to do. We have forsaken our very rights to demand that our politicians do what we want – they are our servants – we pay them their very lucrative wage and lifestyle to do what we expect, not the other way around. 

Under all their fear mongering to “keep us safe” how is that working for us these days? How safe are you feeling? How free are you feeling? How trustworthy and secure are you feeling? 

Whether it is fear of climate change, viruses, out of control living expenses, out of control immigration, extremism, radicalism, crime, what are our politicians doing to bring peace and control over our countries? 

It doesn’t matter which country, in particular the Western world, you look at, it’s the same story and every political leader is complying with the same agenda, a globalist agenda. Our politicians are not working for us, they have a different agenda and we are only beginning to see what that agenda could look like.

That is where my fear lies, the fear of not being in control of my life…..

We can keep burying our heads in the sand and tell ourselves “we cannot do anything”. Or we can stay in our selfish world where our lifestyle and comfort is priority, which incidentally, they are busy destroying for us, or we can allow fear to freeze us. Or, we can wake-up and take control of our lives and take control of our country.

Once our freedom has been completely taken from us, we lose all power and must conform to the world “they” envision”.

  • 15 minute cities – this is now a reality in certain areas
  • Eating bugs rather than beef – this too, I understand is a reality
  • Destruction of free speech – this is a scary reality
  • Arresting citizens for standing up and demonstrating, but allowing extremism and radicalism and criminals on our streets with no arrests – this too is a reality
  • Doing nothing or very little to help drug addiction/overdoses, suicides. I have to wonder if this is a way of dealing with overpopulation
  • Enticing, encouraging wars, now a threat of nuclear war with no effort to find peaceful ways forward – I would guess another method of decreasing the population
  • Shutting down farmers, killing of cows – starvation and manipulation of forced process foods – control mechanisims and enriching our already elites. Did you know Bill Gates, a creator of artifical meats, is the largest land owner in the US? What’s his plans for us now?

What kind of world do we want to create and live in? Do we want to live in this low-frequency eneregy where fear fuels us and where we live as slaves to the people pulling the strings? Or, do we want to live in a higher energy frequency where the positive side of Aquarian energy can flourish and bring us to a peaceful world where there are no wars, and where we can all live as free citizens in a world of peace, respect for our diversities, and harmony?

Well, it really is up to us, we are blessed with the creative tool God blessed us with, free-will. We just need to take control of our lives; we need to become 100% responsible for ourselves; and we need to work together in love and respect towards a vision of the world we want to create and live in.

If any of this resonates with you, PLEASE SHARE, and lets start a conversation below. It is critically important that enough of humanity wakes up and starts helping to save our countries and fellow citizens, and to make it through this madness as best as possible before it is too late.


Perma Culture for Beginners @ https://none.emlmkt.com/show/IqcWxj4SfNRJLZLOBHhiEShhls6wMvjzP/

Freedom Lovers Life @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-23f9ti7fzk

Alex Voss @ https://tipolis.com/

Freedom Train International @ https://freedomtraininternational.org

John Nolan @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHS-evMvQIo

Derrick Broze @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vEODPXFr4o

Neil Oliver @ https://youtu.be/vtHNvUoPe5Y?si=vCxkgwhpAtabVNZU

Neil Oliver @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sUGEEXXSJs

Julian Guderley @ https://www.julianguderley.com/

Joanna Martine Woolfolk; “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need”

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