A Letter To All Peace, Freedom & Truth Seekers
Dear Peace, Freedom & Truth Seekers – Citizens of Mother Earth,
Something has been and is pushing and prodding me to “try” and do something to help us to find peace on earth. I don’t believe any of us law abiding citizens of any country have voted for todays madness we are all being subjected to.
Like many, I have been sitting on the fence for years now just letting this insanity roll on? In my case, I bury my head in the sand for a while and then I get prodded and pushed in the heart again to try and do something. So, here I am. I’m not sure what I am supposed to do, but I do know that hiding away is not a helpful option.
I also know that there is nothing I can do by myself. But, I do believe that the more the merrier, and that joining together with folk of like-minded-concern can bring to light a raising of Earth’s vibration into an energy of peace, love and hope. It’s also apparent that there are millions of us who are facing the same concerns and bewilderment. My hope here is that we can come together and hopefully, through respect, build enough positive energy to shift the negative energy surrounding and influencing us.
An idea I have is to create an open-forum here on Fran’s Journal where we can discuss any positive ideas, solutions and any resources we may have where we can share and help each other to take control of our lives.
There is so much unsettling and concerning news all over the world these days and we have no idea of what the truth is. So far I have come across a few solutions and resources of hope. I don’t know of many, but lets see if we can add to what’s out there by making this another platform where we can meet and help strengthen the proactive and alternative solutions; where we can try increasing the positive vibrations and redirect this destructive course where we are all being herded towards into a vibration of peace, love, respect, freedom and truth.
Taking Back Control
Funny enough, when I think about taking back control, I realize that us, the regular folk, have never actually been totally in control of our lives. Either we have been slaves, or serfs with masters as our lords, or we have been controlled by governments to some degree.
When Democracy became a reality way-back-when, it seems we, the regular folk, had more control of our lives back then. But we have never had total control. (Just hold onto that thought). Have you noticed though, that through the years, it seems governments, at least in the western world, and definitely since Covid have slowly but surely been taking more and more control away from us under the guise of our safety and betterment for all.
Here’s an example……..
- Growing up, granted it was not in the western world, but my parents were initially from or influenced by a western lifestyle; parents in my time had control and responsibility over their families.
- When my family visited England on our holidays, my sister and I were often asked to go to the local shop down the road and buy my parents their cigarettes.
- Back home in my country, when we were at the rugby club or any bar my dad frequented, if he was in a conversation with someone, he often would ask my sister or me to go to the bar and order a beer or whiskey for him and bring it back to him.
Even though the age of adulthood was 21 when I was growing up, that did not mean the government had the right or any interest in controlling our lives in any way except for getting a driver’s license or voting. My parents had total responsibility for us.
Look at where we are in 2024 with our right to be responsible for our children.
- In my adopted country Canada, parents now don’t have the right or responsibility to guide their children if their child is struggling with their sexual identity. If you interfere with your child’s confusion and disagree with decisions made by the school or government your child can be taken away from you.
- If you disagree with all the transgender sexual education your child is being forced to learn at school, you again face horrendous consequences.
This I find absolutely terrifying. What is going on here and how have we reached such a place?
Actually, I have many, many questions about the world we live in today.
- Not only am I very confused, but my fear is losing my freedom.
- I’m also very confused and bamboozled over what the truth is on pretty well everything we are being told these days by our leaders or mainstream media or social media.
I have known for a long time now that the powers above have been “nudging” us into certain pens that they want us living in under the guise of our safety and well being.
There is a book written by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein called “Nudge”. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nudge_theory).
It seems that the original idea of nudging was more to do with business and how to create a more cohesive and productive environment. Nowadays though, it feels like we are all being nudged into pens that “they” want us to live our lives by.
“Nudging”, it seems, is also being used to create more and more fear and division within society.
- Have you noticed since the years of Covid, that we are being subjected to an intensifying constant stream of chaos and uncertainty through the news or propaganda we are being fed.
- Through all this chaos, we are being more and more divided resulting in a fear of speaking our beliefs and truths.
- Resulting in name calling, being ostracized ,and losing jobs.
To me it feels like these pens are getting tighter, more suffocating, and more fearful. What is happening here? All of this became very apparent since the time of Covid.
Let’s take a look at Democracy, countries we’re supposed to be living in. What does Democracy actually mean?
- A government by the people; majority rule.
- A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by the people directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free and non-corrupt elections.
- A political unit that has a democratic government where the common people appoint the source of political authority.
- The absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges.
How are our countries holding up these days in a Democratic system?
Everything on the surface of the above description looks somewhat OK. We supposedly still have free and non-corrupt elections – this is what “they” are strongly insisting.
But when I look a little deeper, I’m seeing something different.
One of the most obvious examples of things not running democratically is about our rights being taken away in raising our children as we see fit – that is not democratic, that falls more under a hierarchical bureaucracy.
The same goes for the inflicting of fear into society in order to control a situation – that is not democratically free, it’s controlled.
What’s happened to our society since Covid?
- High inflation destroying the middle class and greatly enlarging the lower class to poverty
- Out of control homelessness
- Mental health and suicide rates escalating
- Drugs, alcohol and basically all addictions are skyrocketing
- Pandemic of addictions, overdoses and deaths from deadly drugs whether bought on the streets or controlled substances
- Starvation and shortage of food
- Overwhelming food bank demands
- Ridiculous high gas prices
- Basic cost of living prices affecting middle and lower class folk
- Tremendous increase in crime
- Illegal immigrants invading our countries with no effort to control the invasion
- Lack of housing
- Over the top housing prices that enrich the rich and further destroy the middle to lower classes
- Outrages rental rates
- A disintegrating medical system
- A breakdown of unity and respect within communities
- Concern, anger, unrest and division regarding favoritism between illegal migrants and citizens
- Out of control demonstrations, violence and disregard for adopted countries
- Fear of being ostracized and destroyed for speaking one’s truth
- Fear of climate change
- Fear of nuclear war
Holy moly, I could go on…….
How does this relate to democracy?
Well, let’s just go back to Covid.
- Covid not only shut down the entire world economically causing an overwhelming crisis financially exasperating an already struggling economy
- It shut down freedom of speech resulting in fear of speaking one’s mind
- It created intense fear resulting in society losing the ability to critically think
- This fear created a deep division within society creating anger, mistrust and breakups of family and friends
- Society has been shunned and slammed for standing up for their democratic rights
In all of this chaos the increase in trauma within our countries has gone through the roof resulting in real desperation. And to me this is the biggest kicker. Very little is being done to help heal our most desperate citizens struggling on our streets; which is a growing phenomenon.
Canada in particular has introduced some bizarre solutions – legalizing addictive and deadly drugs, increasing exponentially addictions and overdosages. There is very little support to help this increasing trauma.
Instead Canada and all our western countries have prioritized spending billions and billions of dollars on war, in particular the Ukraine war. And here is the kicker for me. Not only is Ukraine the most, or at least, one of the most corrupt countries in the world, but we are told we have to go to war against Russia to save Democracy. That this is the most important priority that we need to support right now. Well, Ukraine is not a Democratic country anymore. It is run by a dictator – Zelinsky, he has done away with elections – so we are supporting a dictatorial regime financially at the expense of our own people. With those billions and billions of dollars, not only could they save thousands and thousands and thousands of lives within our own borders, but we are basically bankrupting our countries in this so-called democratic priority.
Where is the rationale in any of this?
So again, what is this all about?
Illegal immigration is another example of Democracy not being adhered to. There is violence and destruction happening on our streets throughout our democratic countries brought on by these illegal immigrants, who are not happy with what we have given them.
Instead of arresting these people and deporting them we allow this behavior to continue while legitimate citizens are saying enough is enough – we cannot afford all these illegal immigrants – yet we, the people, are not being listened to.
For sure this is not Democracy. So what is going on? Why are we being treated the way we are being treated? WE HAVE NOT VOTED FOR ANY OF THIS MADNESS.
For sure, there are many conspiracies out there, none of them healthy for society. The problem here is, these conspiracies are just left and allowed to just float around inciting more division and chaos. The truth has become so buried and distorted leaving us yet again more divided and mistrusting of each other.
This is just a taste of the craziness out there. What about our freedoms? Without freedom to think, to speak, to live one’s life freely, we cannot breathe freely for we will live in perpetual fear of persecution. Freedom is our birthright – We’re all born with free will – it’s how God expects us to evolve – to find better ways of living – to reach higher vibrations of good. Without this right our vibrations sink bringing us basically to where we are right now and further down if we don’t take control. If I am wrong on this, then show me another way without this basic right – freedom, where we can survive in a life of peace, harmony and prosperity?
What are we allowing to happen to our world? Who is in control of all this insanity? We have to wake-up and take control ourselves because we now face nuclear war.
Let’s use this platform to come together united with respect for our diversities whether its religious, race, sexual identities, political, whatever; at the end of the day we need to survive in freedom. How about we try supporting one another by uniting and creating a mural of all our ideas and diversities.
John Nolan @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHS-evMvQIo
Derrick Broze @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vEODPXFr4o
Neil Oliver @ https://youtu.be/vtHNvUoPe5Y?si=vCxkgwhpAtabVNZU
Neil Oliver @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sUGEEXXSJs
Julian Guderley @ https://www.julianguderley.com/